You Possess The Courage To Evolve

Stepping into the unknown is super scary.  It's much easier to keep things the way they are and cruise through life in neutral.  If you don't take any chances then you won't get hurt, right?  If you don't take the risk, then there's no way for you fail.  On the other hand... If you don't try, you can never truly succeed.   I know, I know, I'm breaking out the Yoda stuff way early, but just contemplate that concept for  a moment.   What if that awful little voice in your head that always tells you can't was muted?  How would you live your life differently if you didn't allow that demon of doubt to get in your way? 

Think back to a really rough time in your life.  Remember?  What was that like for you?  What did you feel like when you woke up in the morning?  And then think about the time right after that slump when things really started to turn around and go right for you.  What made that happen?  Some sort of change -  a new job (or the end of an old one), a new relationship, moving to a new place.  All of these events can cause strife and stress, but they are typically catalysts to bigger, better, and more exciting things.  They all stemmed from a decision - something inside you says "the way things are going right now isn't gonna cut it anymore, and I'm going to do something about it."   The same goes for smaller-scale lifestyle changes. What's on your perpetual to-do list?  Fit into those skinny jeans again.  Make better use of that gym membership.  Hang out with friends more often.  Cook more at home.  Carve out some "me time" everyday.  To accomplish any one of these takes an aspect of adjustment to whatever your current routine may be.  It takes time, innovation, planning and dedication.  You have to want it.     

Committing to change takes courage.  Doing things that take you out of your comfort zone is not easy, but the majority of the time the benefits outweigh any negative effects.  We have a tendency to overestimate how bad things will be.  Worst case scenario, you fail.  Big whup, the most successful people in history also have notorious track records for getting it wrong - a lot.  Trial and error is the best way learn, grow, and improve.  Experiment.  Figure out what works and what doesn't.  Be patient with yourself.  We are all works in progress.  We can only become the most authentic version of ourselves if we evolve.  Be brave.  Be Bold.   Don't be afraid to try something new, be the one to start a conversation, ask for help.  Having a support system and some aspect of accountability is key to being successful and attaining your goals whether they're simple or lofty.  Ultimately, though, you are the author of your own brilliant story.  

Change is only hard before you decide to make it happen.  Once you take that first baby step, the momentum naturally picks up like a snowball down a mountain.  And sure, that snowball may slow down at times or even get stuck once in a while, but the important thing is to keep it moving forward.  Keep your priorities straight.  Know what means the most to you and go after it.  You got this!